The Day Tours from Dead Sea to Have a Fascinating Vacation

Tour in Jordan

At the point when life gives you lemons, you get tequila and salt. Nevertheless, when life gives you extreme salt mixed with some glorious blue waters, you drift on it, and be cheerful while holding malt! That is the way the mysterious nature excites you with its amazing shades and sensational manifestations and the Dead Sea in Jordan is the ideal model. When you are staying at Dead Sea enjoying such amazing nature would you not like to explore the rest of Israel? If you have such a wish then the day tours from Dead Sea that we at Go Jordan Tours and Tourism organize give you the ideal opportunities.

The tours that we organize

There are various places near Dead Sea where we can take you during our day tours from Dead Sea. These tours will give you many opportunities to explore such places having the best of comfort and affordability.

Scenic view of the Dead Sea in Jordan


Dead Sea and Petra: This is one of our day tours from Dead Sea. Your English-talking driver will collect you from your lodging in Dead Sea early morning and exchange you via comfortable vehicle along the Desert Highway for approx. 3 hours to the city of Petra. With your English-talking guide, you will have the bliss of investigating the mile-long Siq to reach the city of Petra. En route, pass the remaining parts of Nabataean sanctums, tombs, water channels, divider carvings and a portion of the first clearing stones. You will have the capacity to see the superb Treasury as you leave the Siq, investigate the Street of Facades, the Roman Theater, Royal Tombs, Colonnaded Street, Byzantine Church, Winged Lion’s Temple, Qasr al Bint, and the Petra Museum at which time your guided visit.

Dead sea & Jerash & Amman City Tour: Amid this day tours from Dead Sea you will be taken to Jerash, the best-safeguarded Greco-Roman provincial city on the planet. A local guide will lead you into the city through Hadrian’s Arch. Visit the hippodrome, equipped for holding 15,000 onlookers. Proceed through the city visiting Roman holy places and theaters, the Greek sanctuary of Artemis with its 12m high segments, the Forum, commercial center, Nymphaeum and colonnaded lanes.

View of Aqaba

As we at Go Jordan Tours and Tourism use only quality transport services, professional licensed guides and accommodation of a high standard during our day tours from Dead Sea you can expect to have best of comfort and revelation of the places. Our tours are appropriate for individuals, the couples, family or little groups, and can be modified for bigger groups.

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