Places to visit on a vacation to Eilat

Dramatic landscape of Wadi Rum

Eilat is Israel’s solitary Red Sea resort, sitting on their little stretch of Red Sea shoreline, pressed in the middle of Jordan and Egypt. The enormous vacation spot here is the Red Sea’s well-known diving, and only south of town is the phenomenal submerged universe of Coral Beach Reserve. In case you are more land lover than a jumper is, the shorelines here are all that anyone could need to keep you cheerful, with a lot of fun in the sun for everybody. Only north of town is the head-turning, normally etched universe of Timna Park, a standout amongst Israel’s most delightful and strange activities. These unusually formed rocks and unfathomable scenes are sufficient to get even the most committed sun admirer off the shoreline for a day of desert experience and touring. There are many reputed tour organizers organizing day tours in Eilat and these offer the best opportunities to enjoy all these.

Underwater Observatory Marine Park

See the submerged world without getting wet. This submerged observatory is one of Eilat’s real focal points for anybody wishing to see the Rhapsody of shading beneath the ocean surface. From the tower observatory, 100 meters seaward, you descend the stairs down six meters beneath the surface to observe the overflowing submerged existence of the Red Sea. While on the shore, there is additionally a magnificent aquarium, with many Red Sea fish, turtles, and sharks. In case you are feeling increasingly audacious, you can likewise take a glass-bottomed pontoon excursion to see the reefs further away from home.

Jordan River

Timna Park

This excellent and captivating national park has dreamlike desert scenes and a charming antiquated copper-mining history. The peculiar rock arrangements that have been etched by wind and downpour make this park a must see a place. The most outstanding of these is Solomon’s Pillars, a 50-meter-high mass of sandstone rock, cut into column shapes by disintegration. A trip of steps leads up the precipice face to an alleviation delineating Pharaoh Ramses III making an offering to the goddess Hathor.

Excavation in the region from 1959 onwards have uncovered that copper has been methodically mined here since as ahead as 3,000 BC, with both the Egyptians and the Israelites working the mines at various occasions. Opposite Solomon’s Pillars is the Hill of the Slaves – a camp in which the diggers of the fourteenth and twelfth century BC lived. You can see the encompassing camp dividers and the remaining parts of houses and workshops.

Dolphin Reef

On the off chance that you need to swim with dolphins, the suitably named Dolphin Reef is the spot to go. This private bay runs an assortment of visits and treks where you can connect with the gathering of bottlenose dolphins that live in the water. There are snorkeling and swimming excursions, and if you would prefer not to go into the ocean, there are various perception docks on the shore to watch the dolphins from dry land.
You can enjoy all these if you are part of our Eilat tour from Wadi Rum. We offer you a comfortable journey and able guides to make possible for you to enjoy all these places with comfort and safety.

Ice Space

Winning the prize for a wackiest vacation spot in Eilat by a mile, Ice Space tosses you out of the desert and into the solidifying universe of the Arctic. Inside, the temperature plunges to a relentless – 7˚Celsius as you stroll between the different ice designs. No, we don’t have the foggiest idea what it has to do with a desert town on the Red Sea coast either, yet on a bubbling sweltering summer day, it’s a joyfully cool treat. Children will likewise cherish it.

Coral Beach Reserve

Eilat’s head plunging and swimming site is the ensured Coral Beach Reserve, and the seaward waters are home to an energetically vivid universe of coral and fluttering fish. In case you are a diver, a trek here will be the feature of your Eilat vacation. Indeed, even amateur jumpers are all around here. On the off chance, that you do not need extravagant dive the profound, the reefs directly off the shore are shallow enough for you to appreciate the fish life and coral just by swimming. You can have masks and goggles here easily.

Bird watching centre

Directly at the focal point of the bird relocation courses among Africa and Europe, the Eilat territory is incredible for bird viewing. Spring and fall are the best seasons for sightseers who need to detect the most species going through, and this little Bird Watching Center, out towards the Jordanian fringe post, is the best spot to draw out your binoculars. Inside the save are well-checked trails, with a lot of stows away dabbed along the way at the best spots.

Botanical garden

On the slope above Eilat, this professional flowerbed is an obscure spot of lavish tropical trees and plants. It is a fantastic departure from the burning sun, and the bounty of greenery makes an intriguing juxtaposition with the encompassing uncovered desert slope. It is an extraordinary spot for an evening walk when the most exceedingly awful of the warmth has dispersed throughout the afternoon, and a decent spot to give the children a chance to explore in case you are going with little ones close behind.

King’s City Theme Park

Children need a break from the shoreline. Do not sweat it. Eilat is home to an amusement park with an unmistakable Holy Land curve. Inside the recreation center, the rides take a noteworthy subject, with antiquated King Solomon assuming a featuring job in the significant water ride, and the whole caboodle focused cycle a Middle Eastern-style château. It makes for a decent family day out around the local area, especially if the little ones are exhausted of the sun and sand and need to release some pressure.


To the exclusion of everything else, Eilat is a shoreline resort and a great many people come here essentially to flounder out on the sand. The best shorelines embrace the coast somewhat away, with family-accommodating Coral Beach being the most well known. Palm Beach and Village Beach are increasingly laid-back and calm, however still home to incredible bistros and cafés. On all shorelines, there are lawn chairs and sunshades for lease and every one of the facilities you could need for a day of pleasure out sunbathing and swimming.

Group photo from a tour in Jordan

Hai Bar Nature Reserve

The kibbutz of Yotvata sits at the entry to Hai Bar Nature Reserve, built up in 1963. This rambling 10,000-acre of landmark is home to a lot of untamed life, including pronghorns, wild asses, hyenas, ostriches, and an entire heap of other desert animals. Every one of the creatures is in the wild here since the main purpose of the recreation centre was of populating the region with creatures that would have lived here in old occasions. It makes for an incredible outing from Eilat’s shorelines.

Mount Zefahot Trail

This roundabout-climbing trail, just toward the south of Eilat town, is a chance to get inconceivable all-encompassing perspectives over Eilat, with Jordan and the town of Aqaba toward the north, Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula toward the south, and the rocky ledge of Saudi Arabia over the sparkling Red Sea toward the east. It takes around four hours to climb, and anybody with a better than an average dimension of wellness can handle the well-stamped trail. It is best climbed either in the early morning before the most noticeably awful of the day’s warmth drops.

Red Canyon

While in transit to the Egyptian border post, the Red Canyon gives a sample of experience to climbers and nature sweethearts who do not have sufficient energy to explore the desert view further. A well-checked trail here, appropriate for families, drives you into the red-tinged rock of the gully and takes around 30 minutes to finish with some delicate scrambling included. For the individuals who need to explore further, there is a more drawn out, half-day round course from the canyon that prompts a charming watercourse and enables you to take in a greater of more amount of the parched scene.

If you are with us along with our Petra and Wadi Rum tours from Eilat then you can also explore and enjoy the surroundings of Petra and Wadi Rum along with these.

Places in Petra that you should visit

There are many such places in Petra that you need to visit if you desire to have a vacation which allows you to know Jordan in totality.

The Siq

It is the antiquated primary entry to Petra, and is a mile long, restricted valley. Otherwise called the Siqit, it is the primary entrance to the city of Petra. It is a thin crevasse and is about a mile long. The way begins at the dam and finishes at the Treasury. The greatest thing about the Siq is the limestone designs, cut up and down the stones. There are channels on either side of the Siq to draw water from Wadi Musa. A valley outside prompting the Siq known as Bab al Siq is where you can see enormous square landmarks cut out of the stone, known as Djinn rocks. You will likewise observe an Obelisk Tomb and even four pyramids.

The Treasury

The Treasury is the most renowned sanctuary at Petra. The Treasury is a 40-meter high old sanctuary you will rest your eyes upon when you reach the Siq. At the highest point of the Treasury, there sits an urn supposed to contain the fortune of a Pharaoh. There are likewise shot marks on the urn left by Bedouin voyagers who have endeavoured to demonstrate the hypothesis right. It is unpredictably enlivened with Corinthian capitals and figures, a large number of which are believed to be related to existence in the wake of death. On the upper dimension, there are figures of moving Amazons and the passage flanked by statues of the twins Castor and Pollux, every one of whom is figures in Greek folklore. The purpose for the Treasury stays obscure right up until the present time. Hollywood movies have highlighted the place much like in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

The Dam

The dam remains at the passageway to the Siq. The purpose of the dam developed by the Nabataeans was to shield Petra from blaze floods. It did as such by diverting rising waters into a passage that later came to be called the Dark Tunnelí. Redesigning happened by the administration in 1963 and after that again in 1991, remaining consistent with the first engineering of the Nabataeans.

Street of Facades

The Street of Facades is a column of momentous tombs. It is a long road fixed with superb tombs, with expansive veneers, otherwise called false faces, hanging down their front. There are various entombments on either side, finished by grindstones. It is trusted that a portion of these tombs was for senior city authorities or even rulers. A portion of the gully dividers is fixed with tombs for conventional natives. The greater part of the veneers is harmed up to an extraordinary degree because of the floods.

The Great Temple

In spite of the fact that it is known as the Great Temple, archaeologists don’t know for certain on the off chance that it, in reality, a sanctuary as late discoveries demonstrate it may have been a castle and get together lobby. The Great Temple is the biggest unsupported structure found in Petra, covering a region of 7560 square meters. Proof found by archaeologists’ shows that the sanctuary was around 19 feet tall. The complex has two dimensions, a lower one and an upper one.

Ruins of Um Qais in Jordan

If we have a look at the places of attractions at Wadi Rum them, they are many. Let us have a look at some of those.

Burdah Rock Bridge

The biggest of Rum’s three curves are the Burdah Rock Bridge, dangerously roosted about 80m above encompassing rock. There is an abrupt climb to the summit.

Khazali Siq

A simple siq to explore is the thin crevice that cuts into Jebel Khazali. You can explore by walking for about 150m, sufficiently far to welcome the cool shade and to see engravings made by the people of yore who utilized the siq for a similar reason. Pay special mind to illustrations of ostriches, sets of feet and a lady conceiving an offspring. You need ropes and a manual for infiltrating further and 4WD transport to come to the siq.

Al Hasany Dunes

While there are dunes in a few places around Wadi Rum, the most striking are the red sands that face Jebel Umm Ulaydiyya. On the off chance that you are on a 4WD or camel visit, drivers will stop close to a perfect incline for you to trudge your way to the peak of the ridge. They are especially dazzling at dusk.

So, if you wish to explore Petra, Wadi Rum and of course Eilat do come to us.

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